pat.Rollers-Idlers-RY-Plast massive

ROLLERS/Idlers out of RY-FULL-PLASTIC patented DE102006040883.7

What we can take it for the biggest conveyors in the world (RWE-POWER)may bee,

is also for you? Since we have tubes out of steel, rollers for conveyors are out of this tubes.

This we think, is the only way for it, because the tubes are low cost. The weight of the rollers

are also in an acceptable area. Not only this result is the resume of my thinking. Nowdays the

price of the steels climbs up to a maximum, so that my new innovation will get more success!

Rollers/Idlers are made out of massive plastic bars!
With my idea, we can save money and we will save also much CO2, because we take a material which almost is a waste product, you find it in waste depot. But this is not only a reason for rollers made out of
"RY-FULL-PLASTIC" the new feature of this rollers are tested and show you the most idioms for use:
Drawing of a massive RollerZ1a

Picture of a massive DIN-Roller Foto1b

a) Rollers/Idlers out of 
are not more longer dangerous for  your rubberbelt.
They are out of  full MASSIVE Recyceld Plastic!

b) this rollers are running with less noise -15dBa.
(See test-row at HKM)

Roller 133/30 x 465 SW 302b

Garland forengl. Landconveyors with 3 similar Roller; waterproofed!3a

c) this roller will have a  much 
longer live, because there is 
no ventilation of wet air + salt,,
or dust. (together wit vent.-air)
so there is no reason to
damage the bearings. 
(You will find, this rollers
are  nearly "waterproof!")
d) the rollers are antimagnetic.
e) the rollers are for the 
elektronic neutral,

Heavy Roller/Idler 190/50/40 x 9503c
f) the Rollers/Idler are similar to
also the tiles inside, if
you want to get it with this
g) this rollers you can optimise 
par example: 
steel-housings with inside a
steel-tube, for heaviest duty.
i) odinary you don't use any
colour for it.
j) I can give them a special tube
made out of  RCH-1000,
(a special ND-HDPE)
(sludge, lime and other hygros-
copic material, does'nt find a hold.)
Schmutzabweisendes Rohr aus RCH100 5 mm Wandstärke

k) you can give the rollers
very easy a special contour
because it is similar to
wooden material.Other
fetaures for this type of 

Stirnfläche der Rollen modifiziert
Tragrolle für Kokerei (- 15 dBa)
1.0... the diameter you can get
are in  the beginning from
89mm to. 108, 133, 
159,172, 193, 219 & 
250mm (diameter)

1.0.1 rollers with special axles
(for garlands, or with screw-  
1.0.2 Garland-roller for 
beltwide  650  up to 3 Meter
and more.
(We have  for RY rollers material up to 250mm diameter)
Durch Innenrohr die Tragfähigkeit erhöht!Z7a Z8a

1.1.1 You get upper belt Roller
with all made out of INOX &
special plastic

1.1.2 -special-Rubber lipp-seal
outside against steam-cleaning.

1.1.3 -modified Roller with a form 
in front of the rollers.(no blocade)

8c 8b

1.2.0 modify roller for heavy duty
1.2.1 with housings for many 
types of the bearings & seales
1.2.2 Rollers with a tube inside,to 
give long rollers more stability

Z9a Z10a

1.3.0 special-desing Rollers-Idlers.
1.3.1 upper belt roller in an conic
form to lead the belt to the
1.3.2 return-rollers with rubber and
twice-conic rubber for belt cen-
tration.(The  measure of the axle
is similar to the old roller!)

Z11a Z11b

1.3.3 konic rollers for curved
conveyors, or reversible 
1.3.4 profiled upper-belt-rollers for
high-speed-conveyors with
more than 8 Meters/sec.
with profile like a tyre.)

Z12b Z12c

1.3.4 you can give the plast-
corpus a profile for holding
the rings in a fixed position.

Z13a 13b
1.3.5 you can give the massive
plast corpus many profiles
to lead the belt to the middle etc.



UB-Tragrollen DREITEILIG damit die Rollen nicht mehr antikonisch sind und die Gurte verlaufen lassen!

Some other important Innovations:

RUBBE RINGS for the return ROLLERS are only a very short time a help for the function
of the conveyor. You take this system to save the cleaning under each roller at a landcon-
veyor or inside a quary

The pointed rings will be consumed faster in the are of the dirty belt. If the rings are a little
bit consumed the belt begins to have more and more friction to this rings and always more
consume on it.
But this is also the reason for the turning of the belt without a control to the left/right side.

In this case you should take my TRIPPLE-UNDERBELT-ROLLER!

This is the best low-cost result, because you change my rollers against the old rollers,
without any other repair.

You can imagine, that the problems are solved, because the roller with the pointed rings
is runnig further on with their own speed and no friction to the belt. You don't have now
an anti-conic roller and the belt will run excenllent straight on.

My test have showen, that you can get with my special-anti-abrasive rings and this system
a 8-times longer life of the rollers, with not using much service for the beltregulation!


Please look also under TRIPPLE-ROLLERs at this WWW.

Newest information:
I start the production of Rollers 89mm ( diameter ) x 200, 250, 315 mm long (DIN)
with a specical system (injection and pressing) to get rollers cheeper than iron-Rollers!

Please ask me for the conditions of the rollers you need,
or give me an idea of a recall and your E-mail !