BLAHA,Peter,Rosenstr. 5 D-85609 Aschheim( near. Munich)Germany
IDE NR.:129596583 www.roller-idlers-conveyors.com /
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_____________________________________________________________Aschheim, den 20.02.2010
Now you have up to ten-times more success if you take my patented
return-rollers with special rubberrings(Priorität-Gebr.-Musterschutz # 20 2009 000 178.
My reflection is, to find out why the rollers you can not use for a long time.
(reason A)
The first reason is that "ALL MUST BEE CHEEPER!" and than the quality of the
rubber ring is also less! (in the moment for odinary rings with 160mm³ consume)
(reason B)
You can find that a twice-conic roller will lead the belt, with no control, to the left
and the right side, because you have twice-anti - conic roller.
The cause you find in the rule, that the consume of the rings in the middle is much
more higher, as the diameter of the consumed ring is smaller.
(5mm less–Ø means always a friction of more than 30 mm in every rotation!)
Do you want to eliminate this mistakes, than you will find my idea:
a) What can we do that the consume of the rings in the middle is less?
b) What can we do that the rubber belt will not turn to the side?
For this problems my
"TRIPPLE-ROLLERS" are the best!

RESULT a) you choose for the dirty area rings in a better qualitiy! (In Germany I use
rubberrings with max consume (or better) than 60mm³,
(or something next better in polyurethane!)
In this case you can get a longer life for such rollers with ca. 100 %!
RESULT b) you choose a roller with 3 idlers on one axle; I call it
I take it, because the roller in the middle can turn with an other speed if the rings are
a little bit consumed. So you have a regulation of the rubber belt and not more
a friction between the rings with the smaller diameter of it.
We don’t also have not more longer an anti-conic-roller!
(In this case the belt will run very well straight on)
With this two factors together we can expect that
in RESULT a+b) the life for this rollers is further on ten times longer! and the belt will
hold much longer and you have less service to control the running belt straight on,
LAST not LEAST you can get this rollers with the same measures than the old rollers
in your construction and you must not change anything!
My special-Rollers guide your belt always to the centre!